Spinach-amole ~not your regular Gaucamole

Spinach! Every kid I know seems to HATE it. Well, the way it’s served in the US is kind of to blame, not the kids (or most adults who share this feeling). So, what’s the solution? There are several. This post just shows you one of the many. And gives you two ways to try …

Gongura Chutney

What is Gongura? Gongura, also known as red sorrel or roselle, is a leafy vegetable commonly used in Indian and African cuisine. It is a member of the hibiscus family and has a tart, citrusy flavor. Gongura is native to West Africa and Southeast Asia and is widely cultivated in India, Nigeria, and other parts …

Cilantro Chutney

Simple, spicy and yummy!! Here is a recipe for South Indian style cilantro chutney with jaggery and jalapenos – it’s a sweet and savory chutney which can be used as a dip or condiment to complement multiple other foods – from chips to rice. Ingredients: Instructions: What is Jaggery? Jaggery Jaggery (also spelled as “jaggeree” …